From Parents: About McAuliffe School

Sunday, April 01, 2007

from a few parents on a sunny April day

“We have experienced and committed teachers who we trust with our children's academic progress and emotional well-being.”

“I know my children would do well in ANY school, but I choose McAuliffe because this place allows them to learn much more. They go beyond standard textbooks. My children are learning how to find resources to solve their problems, both academically and socially. Recently, my second grader initiated a conversation with me about what makes a good president, who is FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt, and why some considered William Harrison a bad president. I didn’t even know W. Harrison was a president!”

“We know our children's teachers their classmates, their friends and their families. Not only do we have first hand knowledge of what is going on in our children's lives, we have our own relationships with all these people.”

“Being a participating parent has allowed me to stay intimately connected with my children while they are at school. Now that I have a child in a "regular" school I can really feel the difference. It is amazing to be this close and to see the innocence and intimacy that is possible here because of so much parental presence.”

"They [McAuliffe Choir] sang in the California Music Educators Association choral festival on Saturday at West Valley College and won a unanimous superior rating. That is the highest rating possible." (quote dated 4-1-07)

"The jobs that are going to remain here [in U.S.] are the ones that require significant out of the box thinking and conceptualization. These are things that Asian schools [with lots of rote/repetitive learning] do not prepare students for, as I can vouch firsthand, being a product of such a school."


  • As I am writing this blog I hear my oldest son (10) conversing with his four year old twin sister and brother. He has the atlas out and he is explaining and pointing out all the places were relatives live and places we have gone. It is at this moment that That I know that I made the right decision three years ago when I took him out of a traditional Cupertino school. His love of learning has blossomed and he continues to impress me with his understanding of how to work with many different kinds of individuals as well as solving real life problems with real life solutions. He is well liked but does not have to conform to a particular standard or define himself into any particular group. He is becoming his own individual and luckiest part of this is that I am able to be part of it.

    By Blogger mom of m's, at 9:00 PM  

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